Bio Instrumentation

Bio Instrumentation

Innovations in Optics has depth of expertise in the field of medical optics.

Fluorescence Excitation and Imaging

Innovations in Optics' LED light engines provide high brightness illuminators for life and science instruments.


Our LumiPro™ UV and multispectral LED Projectors feature long life high temperature glass optics and are ideal for medical fluorescence imaging applications including gene sequencing, toxic materials screening, and general analyte detection.

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LumiBright™ Whites: 2400B-5


LumiBrightTM light engines are used in western blot imaging and studying the molecular structure of proteins.

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The LumiFiber™ devices are used as a light source in medical/surgical fiber optic illumination equipment including endoscopes and tissue imaging systems.

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Real Time-PCR

Innovations in Optics' products are used in state-of-the-art, molecular biology instrumentation based on the polymerase chain reaction, monitoring the amplification of a targeted DNA molecule during the PCR. They are also used in DNA analysis and identifying food pathogens in the food industry and in clinical applications.


The LumiBrightTM products have the highest brightness and uniformity for illumination instrumentation. There are several numerical aperture and far-field half-angle options allowing for customization.

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Our LumiFiber™ Devices are used in medical/surgical fiber optic illumination equipment including endoscopes and tissue imaging systems.

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Surgical Illumination

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The LumiScope™ is an LED endoscope illuminator module with output exceeding 300W Xenon short arc lamps.

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Inquire Now

Innovations in Optics has transitioned over the last several years to develop and manufacture standard High Brightness LED products and custom OEM solutions in our state-of-the-art facility and at our contract management partner facilities.